A Floral Water Goddess Masterpiece

Kaci has been with me from the beginning of my photography journey and it is so rewarding to look back 4 years to compare how each of us have grown. Kaci has grown into such a confident and empowered soul, and I am blessed she stuck around for my years of learning, camera upgrades, and posing improvements.

Another friend of mine did a shoot recently with another photographer where they had a ladder decked out with flowers. It was the most beautiful boudoir idea I have seen! I knew right away that I wanted to recreate something similar and that I wanted to do it myself. After a couple weeks of browsing marketplace and craigslist, I finally found the perfect wood ladder for $15. I bought all my florals from a local grocery store and started making little bouquets to secure to the ladder. Before securing all my florals, I added all the greenery to the ladder with floral wire.

I also wanted the perfect spot for this session.... we live on 2.5 acres outside of McMinnville, OR. AND it so happens the original owner was an avid gardener. She was known around town for her property and plants! Unfortunately, the owner before us did not upkeep ANYTHING. We have been slowly cutting back and uncovering all the pretty plants under the Jumanji like thorn bushes. This little corner of the property had a small section of fence and a gate with "secret garden" on it. SO SO perfect. For several days my fiancé and I cleaned up this area. Then, down below this area we have a creek that runs through. So perfect for the water goddess shots.

If you'd like to do an outdoor boudoir session, I have just the space!